Friends of Restorative Justice

Friends of Restorative Justice – Connecticut

FoRJ – CT is in its early days modeled after FoRJ – Washtenaw County, MI. Under the driving force of a couple of Nutmeggers, a grassroots community of committed people has begun. No matter your discipline or concern, we will come together under the restorative justice umbrella to ensure RJ is amplified, implemented, and monitored for the best possible outcomes – serving all CT citizens and communities. To join us and receive additional information, please fill out the form below.

We envision a humane system of justice that respects the basic dignity and value of every person, whether they were harmed by crime or conflict or whether they caused the harm, a justice system that restores rather than punishes. We seek a community where those in conflict know they have the option to repair the harm through restorative justice.

Vision Statement: FoRJ – Washtenaw County, MI

Contact FoRJ – CT